2010-02-15 18:37:31 UTC
I'm kind of surprised, and definitely disappointed, at the total lack
of any ongoing community here, after a mere 1 year and 4 months since
the release of Fallout 3. I've spent vast amounts of time discussing
other games in their respective usenet newsgroups, including the likes
of Diablo, Diablo 2, World of Warcraft, Half-Life, etc... most of
which went on actively and enthusiastically for years. It wasn't
uncommon to see 400-500 posts a day in most of those, for months at a
time sometimes.
So ok, I'm a bit late starting FO3... I've been mostly playing WoW and
Lord of the Rings Online for the past few years, but finally got
around to buying and starting to play this great, awesome game. It
soooo deserves its game of the year status, and then some. Ground
breaking stuff, in my opinion. Not without issues and shortcomings,
but all in all, in my top-5 of all the games I've ever played.
So, I figured I'd go and check out the game's usenet presence, and
chat with other enthusiasts of this great game about various and
sundry. So color me shocked, to see a mere 1600 or so posts to this
group, in the past *seven years*! A mild blurp of posts since FO3 came
out, peaking (more like a molehill than a peak, but I digress) around
last spring and summer and then completely dying with hardly a trace
and just the occasional vapid spam here and there.
What's up with that? I know FO3 is a single-player game with no online
multiplayer option, which I'm sure factors into its longevity and hold
on the average player's attention span, but still... I'm really amazed
that there isn't some decent-sized group of the more hardcore Fallout
fans continuing to discuss it somewhere. Is this not the best forum
for finding and talking with those people? Is there some other online
forum I'm not aware of, where people regularly congregate to discuss
the Fallout games?
Or is usenet finally dead, and I missed the funeral? Should I turn the
lights off on my way out?
-Sad and lonely in Usenetland
of any ongoing community here, after a mere 1 year and 4 months since
the release of Fallout 3. I've spent vast amounts of time discussing
other games in their respective usenet newsgroups, including the likes
of Diablo, Diablo 2, World of Warcraft, Half-Life, etc... most of
which went on actively and enthusiastically for years. It wasn't
uncommon to see 400-500 posts a day in most of those, for months at a
time sometimes.
So ok, I'm a bit late starting FO3... I've been mostly playing WoW and
Lord of the Rings Online for the past few years, but finally got
around to buying and starting to play this great, awesome game. It
soooo deserves its game of the year status, and then some. Ground
breaking stuff, in my opinion. Not without issues and shortcomings,
but all in all, in my top-5 of all the games I've ever played.
So, I figured I'd go and check out the game's usenet presence, and
chat with other enthusiasts of this great game about various and
sundry. So color me shocked, to see a mere 1600 or so posts to this
group, in the past *seven years*! A mild blurp of posts since FO3 came
out, peaking (more like a molehill than a peak, but I digress) around
last spring and summer and then completely dying with hardly a trace
and just the occasional vapid spam here and there.
What's up with that? I know FO3 is a single-player game with no online
multiplayer option, which I'm sure factors into its longevity and hold
on the average player's attention span, but still... I'm really amazed
that there isn't some decent-sized group of the more hardcore Fallout
fans continuing to discuss it somewhere. Is this not the best forum
for finding and talking with those people? Is there some other online
forum I'm not aware of, where people regularly congregate to discuss
the Fallout games?
Or is usenet finally dead, and I missed the funeral? Should I turn the
lights off on my way out?
-Sad and lonely in Usenetland